Thursday, September 20, 2007

Menswear and Carolina Herrera

It has been so long since I have posted, but I am back.

Menswear is a fall favorite. It is all over the runways, magazines, television and it's even on regular women and moms. Many teenagers are sporting the look, too. Vests seem to be the main look teens wear. Vests can be comfortable, yet stylish. Trousers have been seen worn by Emma Roberts and Victoria Beckham. Button-up tees have been a long time favorite. Button-up tees look the best with a collar worn under a sweater vest or a dress. Even though the suit jacket is mostly business wear, women have been wearing it for ages. Menswear seems to be doing well this season.

Carolina Herrera is a long time favortite designer. Herrera started her company in the 80's and has been working ever since. Since she is Venezuelan, that is wear most of her inspiration comes from. She is a very successful designer who seems to be coming up with bigger and better designs every collection. Her fall collection was a BIG hit. Lets see what she comes up with next!!

Vote for Menswear in this weeks poll!!!


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